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Adult World Erotic Porn Cams Sex Chat xXx Site Chaturbate Naked Camgirl Nude Webcam Naughty Performer a1guest is come from Phantom Zone A1guest's room. CHAPTER 37 IS IN. CHAPTER 38 SHOULD BE THE LAST ONE.


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Chapter 26 The End is the Beginning

Trapped inside the sealed egg, naked, in complete darkness, I could feel myself rising toward the ceiling, and toward a studio filled with gas, based on what Mike said just before my little soundproof prison snapped shut.

I wondered what to do. Completely nude (and with nothing even to pull out of my orifices), I had nothing but my bare hands and bare feet to try to stop the inevitable.

My fingers probed the inner “egg shell”, searching desperately for any control button or even a handhold to try to stop the egg’s ascent or open it up so I could escape. The egg, however, was completely lined with the silky mesh that was made to feel like human skin, and my fingers were sliding unimpeded along its surface. Nearing panic, I flopped and twisted my body from side to side as I probed the chamber, but my butt, my feet, my penis, nipples, my entire body simply slid from side to side against the silky fleshy surface. I managed to turn completely over so that I was facing down and continued probing for any gap, but alas, there was none. And the hydraulic elevator continued, slowly, dreadfully, toward the room full of gas. What was it Mike called it? “Dopamine inhalant,” he said, and the room was filled with it, he had said.

Now, I felt my penis grinding away at the silky, fleshy surface of the egg’s inner mesh. For a moment, it flashed through my mind that under any other circumstances, this would be sexually stimulating. The egg wall felt so much like authentic, hairless, human flesh! It was even warm to the touch. Male flesh or female flesh, I could not tell, but the feel of it against the entire front of my completely nude body was so real, I thought for a split second to simply give up and enjoy my last few seconds on earth, slipping and sliding to orgasm inside this final prison.

My life didn’t exactly pass before my eyes, but I did think how hot this scene would be in a spy movie or superhero movie. The hero, stripped and trapped, moving inexorably toward death, and all he can do is thrash about his naked body, his penis flopping up and down, side to side, so sexually exciting to the viewer, who knew the hero would somehow escape.

But in my case, there was no escape. I felt all around that egg wall with my entire naked body, from my face to the soles of my feet. Even my penis and buttocks, I was paying attention to them just to try to determine if they felt some sort of seam in the inner wall of the egg. Yet, there was no seam; there was no hope. I wondered if the viewer would find it sexier for me not to escape, and that maybe the whole point of this experience was just for some viewers’ voyeuristic gratification. It could sell a lot of tickets, I thought, a show with a naked boy being bound in this sort of predicament, with no way out.

I flipped over again onto my backside, my butt cheeks sliding up and down the egg wall as I struggled to reach the part of the egg directly in front of me, where I knew the aperture was. I was beginning to sweat now. The egg continued its relentless rise, as I started kicking my feet up and down, then side to side, in any effort to jar the egg wall or trigger the front of the egg to open.

My heart was pounding. My skin was coated in a layer of sweat; if there had been any light inside the egg, I am sure my skin would have been glowing and shiny. I was kicking my feet in and out, splitting my legs apart and slamming them back together, while my fingers continued poking at the fleshy, slick, silky surface of the egg, feeling for the seam in the egg’s shell. My last thoughts as my naked, thrashing, helpless body continued being elevated to the gas-filled room were so many, it’s hard to believe they all went through my mind in mere seconds.

I thought to myself as I struggled:
Is this how it ends, with me helpless and naked in a room full of poison gas?
Miko, Mike, Jack…why are they doing this to me?
Miko sounded surprised; was he in on this or an unwitting participant? Or a victim also?
Did Felipe know anything of this?
Or even Jordan? Would I ever even meet that boy, or was he another false hope?
Will anyone ever find out about my fate?
Will my family in the USA ever know the truth?
Will I be buried at home?
Thrown into the sea?
Ok, so I am going to die, but it is what I wanted earlier, so why am I so upset?

The elevating slowed. I realized I was near the end of my final journey. My thinking switched over to the studio, itself. Felipe’s room, as I recalled, had a separate room from the bedroom. Perhaps the room I was being sent to was similar to Felipe’s room. What else was there about Felipe’s room might help me to escape?

I closed my eyes and tried to settle my body in the final few seconds, trying to concentrate on Felipe’s room and everything I could remember about it. Surprisingly, when I stopped struggling and started thinking, the warm fleshy walls of the egg helped me to calm down, relax, and focus.

There was a false wall in Felipe’s studio. Of course! If there is wall like that and a desk in MY room with similar controls, maybe I can open the wall and escape to the other side. What else?

In Felipe’s studio was a back room with a kitchenette and a bathroom behind that. If I could find a door that I could get behind and shut, maybe I could close the bathroom door and seal it off from the gas. Think! I told myself. Think!

I mentally scanned Felipe’s room in my mind. There was a balcony! I did not even think of that when I was in the room before. Felipe’s nude body and enormous penis had distracted me (particularly when it was in my mouth). But I had to try to reach the balcony.

Wait, I thought, there was a side door, almost certainly a doorway to a corridor outside the room! There again was another possibility of escape.

I heard a latching sound. The egg was nearly there and was locking itself in, and it was about to begin opening! Was there anything else I could think of?

Oh my God, yes! I remembered Felipe had a control button on the desk that he pressed, sending me back down to the lab! If I could get out of bed, find that button, press it, and dive back into bed, it would shuttle me back to safety; well, relative safety, anyway.

The latch sound stopped and the egg went silent. I had maybe 5 seconds left before it would open, exposing me to a room full of inhalant. My mind hatched a plan (pun intended). I would hold my breath and try each of the things I could think of. Try the exit door, the balcony door, the egg return button: those would be my first steps. If they did not work, on to other doors in the room: either the bathroom door or the false wall between the studio equipment and the bed area, or maybe even a closet door might have actual air inside it. And if none of that worked, try to find something to crash through a window and climb out. I would not have time to put any clothes on, so my nude body would probably emerge with cuts all over it, but that would have to be acceptable in order for me to escape.

It was suddenly “go time.” The egg began to open before my face. I took the deepest gulp of air I could. At the same time, I could not resist trying to grab the rim of the egg as it opened. With each hand, I tried to pull it back together. I slowed it a little, but it continued opening, unremittingly, an unthinking machine about to consign me to death.

I gave up the struggle and let the egg open, but I did manage to gasp in one more breath of untainted air before putting my plan into action.

The egg was open now, the inner mesh in the process of converting into a mattress, as the outer egg wall began to recede underneath the bed. The ceiling of the room appeared above me, clear and in focus, meaning that whatever gas was in this room, it was clear. At least I would be able to see.

I jumped out of the egg and into the room, heading immediately toward the balcony door, as it was closest. As I ran toward it, something caught my eye, just off to my right, opposite the bed’s headboard.

The wall screen was set to chat room mode, with its left corner panel recording the interior of the room. There, on the screen was myself, my naked body running from the bed to the balcony door, my dick flopping up and down rapidly with each step as I ran. What an erotic way to die, I thought.

Still holding my breath, I tried the balcony door. It was locked!

Not breathing, heart pounding, I turned and ran for the hallway door. It too was locked! I was quickly running out of options. I turned toward the desk where there might be controls to send the egg back downstairs, but I could not see the buttons, so I turned and headed toward the kitchenette, simultaneously looking for the bathroom door or a chair or anything I could grab to crash through the window.

My lungs were in agony. I still had not exhaled or taken a breath. I was nearly out of time. The bathroom door appeared, but it was open! It must be full of the inhalant also, so that was not an option any longer.

There was a chair inside the kitchenette, so I grabbed it and ran back into the bedroom area, thinking I would smash the balcony door, which looked most able to be broken through. But, as ran alongside the bed and lifted the chair like a bat, ready to hurl it through the balcony door, my foot caught on the sheet and I slipped.

The chair went toward the balcony door at the same time as I went the opposite direction, onto the bed. The chair barely thudded against the door, not even damaging it. And the slip of my foot and landing in the bed made me involuntarily exhale and take in a deep breath.

Oh, well, I thought, this is the end. I tried everything. Now, I will just rest.

I stared at the ceiling, still panting from my struggle, but I decided to simply breathe, relax, inhale through my nose, and let the gas do its work.

The strangest thing happened. As I breathed in, I noticed a distinct aroma of lavender. I knew of poison gasses that smelled like sulphur, or rotten eggs, or bitter almonds, but never one that smelled like lavender!

Of course, the next thing I noticed, was that I wasn’t dead. Just lying there naked in bed, thinking to myself, “Ok, Self, I know I am not dead,” struck me as incredibly funny, so I started laughing. Then, partly out of relief and partly out of the irrational humor of not dying, I positively started giggling.

From the opposite wall, I heard a “ding!” sound. Then another, and another. I knew this noise! I was in a broadcast.

I heard the crashing sound of coins falling into the tray of a slot machine! And then another sound of that, and more “ding!” sounds. Then there was a fanfare and more coin sounds and a “yeee haaa” voice.

Out of nowhere, my dick popped up. And I mean literally, it suddenly appeared from between my legs, pointing straight at the ceiling. My dick had been growing, at the same time my crotch was on the bed, facing the camera, my legs wide, revealing my full ball sack and growing penis up close.

The “ding!” sounds and all the other noises from the computer were from viewers giving me tips; these were tokens that ultimately belonged to the company and would pay my salary out of that. The real turn-on, true excitement for me, though, was the idea that my nude body, my hardening dick and constricting ball sack, were earning these tips.

Wait! Why was my dick hard, anyway? I was completely engorged now, and throbbing painfully. I could feel my dick shaft and dick head pulsing with each beat of my heart. But there was no stimulus, no cute body to look at for inspiration, no feel of skin against skin. My penis was harder than I could ever remember it, but there was nothing making me horny; in fact, only a minute or two ago, I was in a life-or-death struggle, completely panicked that I was about to die. Nothing about this was sexually arousing.

All I was doing was lying here naked, waiting to die, just breathing.

Breathing! That was it! That was the secret! That gas, it wasn’t poison. It was Mike and Jack’s synthetic dopamine. What was it they had said? “It makes you horny…it makes everything new…it makes you fall in love,” was that it?

I sat up in the bed and leaned back against the headboard. This room was exactly like Felipe’s studio. Thinking of Felipe made me horny, and I felt my dick slap the bottom of my stomach.

I looked down at my penis. Just my looking at it made it throb more intensely. It was not growing anymore, at least I don’t THINK it was growing anymore. It was throbbing and ticking back and forth against my belly like a flesh metronome with an especially large head on it. As the lavender scent continued to fill my nose and lungs, my dick seemed to get larger and larger until it completely filled up my field of vision. But there was no more blood to go in that cock; it was already so full it was painful. I must have started hallucinating. I could not stop looking at my penis, its head drawing closer and closer to my face. Try as I might, I could not look away! I had to think of something else to focus upon, or else I felt I would be starting at my dick forever, Narcissus on acid! I had to drag my gaze away, and finally I was able to.

I looked at the screen on the wall. There was my image, a hairy, naked body, and that dick (again) engorged and swinging up and down from the camera’s point of view. There were comments scrolling by on the right side of the screen alongside my video image.

I read the words. Most of them were compliments. Others were names with text beside them such as “come visit me” or “let me help you come”.

Then there were commands; they were commands to me, and I felt compelled to obey.

“Show me your nipples.” I scooted forward on the bed toward the camera until a nipple was in close-up on the video pane of the screen, then I played with my nipple. My nipple was at full attention, rock hard and pointing straight at the camera. The viewer was delighted, and he hurled compliments at me on the chat screen.

Running my fingers up and down my chest, I could feel the goose bumps under my chest hairs. I leaned back a bit and stretched, checking out my image on the screen. A flurry of approving messages appeared beside my outstretched body. Each time I reached my nipple with my finger, I gave it a flick or a tweak.

I raised my hands over my head and spread my legs apart again, causing one viewer to comment that he would like to tie me to the bed like that. Tie me up? There was something about being tied up that reminded me of something, but my mind was a fog of sexual arousal. Was I supposed to be upset? What had happened to me to bring me here?

I looked down at the bed. What was this bed? I couldn’t remember anything unusual about the bed. All my mind could think was that the bed was so inviting, with sheets so soft against my ass. I only felt sexy, and my dick would not go down and not stop throbbing. I looked at the screen, and the bed looked completely normal on the screen, too. Beside the image of my body on the screen were even more messages from viewers, who were now somehow posting sexy pictures, pictures of oral sex between both sexes, pictures of boys coming, pictures of full sex. I was becoming even more excited, and I forgot all about the bed.

A whisper of a memory was telling me that the bed was not a bed at all, but a transport that brought me here, but that did not make sense. I suddenly couldn’t remember how I got here. All I knew was that I was naked, on display for an entire chat room of viewers, and I felt so sexy.

How did I get here? Why was I naked? I knew a moment ago, but now I could not recall anything. It had to be the lavender vaporous gas. That was making me horny, hardening my penis to the point of throbbing pain (it was slapping my belly with each heartbeat now).

But then I thought, “what gas?” My memory of poisonous gas was gone.

I didn’t care, anymore. The room was lavender, the sheets were so soft, and the people here, especially me, were all so horny! I fondled my chest and let my hand descend to my hard, throbbing penis, staring at the screen, watching it happen as I did it.

My fingers felt the tip of my penis. Something wet and sticky met my touch. I pulled my fingers back to my nose, and sniffed. The sticky wet substance smelled very familiar. I stuck out my tongue and tasted my fingers. Oh, I realized, this was pre-cum. My dick started to spasm, and I felt I was about to spew, ejaculate all over myself, and I wasn’t even touching my penis at all. I inhaled again, the lovely lavender aroma, and with each breath I got hornier, and more fixated to watching the screen.

“Stand up” floated up the screen, followed by “Show me your ass.”

I stood up, as directed, turned around, and bent over until my face was in the mattress and my ass was in the air! I couldn’t see the screen, but I did hear several “ding!” sounds, so I guessed that my ass and probably my hole were showing well enough to please the audience.

I stood upright again and spun back around toward the screen, but by this point I was stoned. Spinning around made me dizzy. I stopped spinning but the room did not. I felt faint, about to fall. The only thing in the room that was not spinning was the computer screen, so I focused my eyes on the screen. Everything in time and space seemed to freeze. There was only my body on the screen and my eyes watching my body on the screen. Nothing else in the universe existed.

This is where I started! I remembered, if only for a moment, but, by God! I remembered! This is where the whole story began!

I was still looking at my body on the screen, and I could not take my eyes away. I was trapped watching it, and before long, the screen started to suck me into it.

Eventually I was pulled completely into the screen. I no longer existed in three dimensions, but only two.

Time seemed to be gone, as well. My past was gone; I couldn’t seem to remember any of it. I couldn’t imagine a future, either. There was only the present, which was a trap.

I was completely inside that flat image of that heavy, hairy, naked boy…my own body, flat against the screen. I was no longer me. I became simply that image in that screen, a body, completely nude with no clothes to wear, inside a video box, doing whatever the viewers told me to do. I was in the phantom zone.

...more to come…
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