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Chaturbate Female Body Type: curvy, thick, and natural

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What is the real name of dreamyriri?

The real name of the model is RIRI🌺 OR DREAMY✨.

How many followers does dreamyriri have?

dreamyriri has a total of 95,204 followers.

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Insta: dreamyyyriri
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whats your ethnicity?
panamanian and dutch

What’s your zodiac sign?
I'm a lot of taurus and a sagittarius moon.

What song would you say best sums you up?
Video by India Arie always gets me vibing

What’s your favorite way to spend a day off?
I love a slow morning. Getting up a little later (if my dogs allow it lol) taking my time drinking my coffee, walking the dogs, and staying present in my day.

Was the last thing you read?
The vanishing half!
I'm currently reading the court of thorns and roses (book club book 😊) and Black American refugee
Then listening to migrations on audilbe

What's your favorite family recipe?
I don't really eat meat too much anymore but my family makes ham hocks with beans and "dog bread" which is basically fried corn bread. Its the best comfort food. My mouth is watering typing this. lol

What do you do to keep fit?
I run and do circuits in my living room or outside if its not cold

What's your favorite ice cream topping?
none cause I like it on a cone

Who is your hero?
I don't idolize too many people but I love Dolly Parton, Megan Thee Stallion, and Lizzo!

What would you sing at Karaoke night?
"Goodbye Earl" by The Chicks

What is your favorite childhood memory?
I loved blasting music out in the barn while I brushed the horses and cleaned stalls with my mom.

How many pillows do you sleep with?
6 but two have lost their shape and flat af so they count as one.

Are you a clean or messy person?
50/50 my place gets picked up everyday only to get messy again. It's an endless cycle.

Where did you grow up?

What's the craziest thing you’ve done in the name of love?
Ive never been in love.

What made you get into your field of work?
The pandemic lol

Who was your first crush?
His name was Ethan I was in like kindergarten lol

What about your work gives you joy?
Honestly being my own boss and being on my own schedule. It brings light to my life and allows not only my career to flourish but other things in my life too. Plus I love the sense of community we have here. I like knowing you all enjoy my energy as I do yours :)

What is one of your strengths?
Well in this field my ass, but I'm pretty empathic and a giver. Ive learned to balance my fem and masc energy. So I'm also not a pushover.

What is your love language?
acts of service and quality time

What's the most interesting thing you can see out of your kitchen window?
my neighbor throwing his left overs in the alley to feed the crows.

What is one of your favorite movies?
dirty dancing, secondhand lion, troop zero, legally blonde, swimmers and I think thats all I can think of rn. lol

What is your general outlook on life?
I believe the best gift you can give yourself in this life is to truly get to know yourself and when you are really able to see yourself, bad and good. I believe you'll really understand what you want in life and what direction to take.

What is a pet peeve that you have?
when my dogs pull on their leashes while we walk and ignorance.

What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to?
Thats such a hard question, but I recently went to see The Chicks because they are my childhood and I cried. Its also the first concert Ive gone to alone and I was proud of myself :)

What are your hobbies?
I like to crochet and sew! I enjoy reading tarot and connecting with my spirituality. Eventually I wanna be able to take horse riding lessons twice a month then hopefully once a week as well. I also have two dogs who take up my time as well. :)

Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?
Coffee. I look forward to my morning coffee when I climb into bed at night.

If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have?
Being invisible would be dope but also reading minds.

What's your favorite zoo animal?
Fuck zoos. If we wanna see these beautiful animals so bad we should travel and visit them in their natural environment.

If you could go back in time to change one thing, what would it be?
I'm learning "what ifs" are pointless to waste energy on.

What's your favorite holiday?
I love christmas :)))

Do you have a work bestie?
You all are my work besties :)

How old were you when you learned Santa wasn't real? How did you find out?
Ive never liked the dude. Hella weird to have kids sit on a random dudes lap.

Is your glass half full or half empty?
Always half full.

What does your family think of your career?
They are supportive! Not the most excited when I told them, but supportive!

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
introvert forsure

What makes you feel at peace?

if you have any other questions just ask! :)


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